Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just another day in paradise!

Well, was up at 5:30 AM this morning, again. That seems to be my usual time, thanks to Renee. Why it takes me an hour and ahalf to get ready in the morning is a big question in my mind, but, oh well! I got to school a little after 7:00. Kids come in at 7:45. they were so tired today! They were like walking zombies! While showing them a great show on the "Crusades" (exciting, huh??) one boy fell asleep! Well, 2:30 came pretty fast, thank goodness.So, finally called the vet today about casey's bandage. Lucky for me, they said to bring her in this afternoon. I called Scott on my way home and he had not only the girls ready, but casey too, to go to the vet. The bandage is off!!! Woo Hoo! But now she gets to wear "the collar" every day until next week Friday- they said she already tore out one staple (ouch!!)On our way to the vet, I asked the girls how school was. Erin was her usual "good". they played a word game. Then i asked Renee. My beautiful, smart, and a total monster child. She says, "i pushed them down." I ask Renee, "you pushed what down (thinking- god, let her have pushed down blocks, books, please...." Renee replies, "the other kids! They were being bad to me!" I reply "What did your teacher say?" "Be nice" she says. Aaahhhhhhh, Renee!!!!We go to gymnastics. Erin does a great job, even though the teacher had to coax her. A lot. Renee gets her turn. While waiting to go on the balance beam, a little girl sits on Renee's mat. My head sunk and all I could think is, this cannot be good. I watch closely, as Erin wants me to scratch all of her mosquito bites, even though she rarely plays outside any more. First Renee decided to just tell teh girl to move (good girl, Renee). Now she sits down, on the mat and keps bumping the girl with her butt. OK, still no physical violence. Good.

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